Archive by Author

Irish Times

Irish Times is a pub located at 14 F St. NW in Washington, DC. Some people like it but I think it is so bland and boring that I hesitate to even write about it, if not for the fact that I want to save you from a bland and boring experience. Cost – $$ […]

Nam-Viet Pho 79

I happen to live near Cleveland Park so whenever I get that MSG-infused hankering for pho I normally hike straight down to Nam-Viet.  Nam-Viet is actually a chain of Vietnamese restaurants located in Arlington, Alexandria and Cleveland Park and on Sundays I’ve heard the Arlington location is one of the busiest restaurants in the city. […]

A few wimpy cosmetic snowfalls

A few wimpy cosmetic snowfalls are possible, enough to give the gritty snow in your yard a quick facelift. Warm Season Precipitation Using Dynamical Downscaling. Here is a link to Dr. “I would hit him in the first response, and I’d hit him in the last response, and I’d hit him with just about every […]