Best Bars in DC

DC City Blog is happy to introduce our picks for the best bars in DC. In addition to venues that were simply bars, clubs and lounges with substantial bars were also up for consideration. Selections were made based on quality of service; design and décor; and general ambiance of the venue. In addition, the DC City Blog staff has made sure to present a range of bars that appeal to a diversity of tastes and locations. Without further ado, here are the best bars in DC:

Café Saint-Ex – Café Saint-Ex has been at the forefront of the U Street revival that has taken place over the past five years or so. Most of the hipsters have long departed for greener pastures but it remains unpretentious and full of character.

Zaytinya – The bar of choice for visitors and professionals alike in the Penn Quarter. In addition to great food and a well-designed interior, the bar at Zaytinya offers a popular spot to mingle with others.

Gazuza – Sushi, shisha and sophistication make Gazuza a sure bet in upper Dupont.

Maté – To say that Maté is not your standard Georgetown bar is an understatement. On weekend nights, it attracts a mix of young professionals from all over the DC-metropolitan area.

Science Club – Science Club represents a combination of style and a laid-back good time. There have been countless times I have walked out of a club in Dupont dissatisfied and simply headed straight to Science Club.

Bar Dupont – A newcomer to the area, Bar Dupont has quickly become one of the best options for an evening drink in Dupont.

3 Responses to “Best Bars in DC”

  1. ChocolateMilkDC March 8, 2008 at 4:57 pm #

    Hmm….I agree with #’s 1 and 2. Pretty good list. Needless to say I am not a Marvin’s fan.

  2. John March 8, 2008 at 6:05 pm #

    Why don’t you like Marvin?


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